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The Stanhope Capital Group

Stanhope Capital and Stanhope Consulting refers to the Stanhope Capital Group. The group includes Stanhope Capital (Switzerland) SA, Stanhope Capital LLP and Stanhope Capital SAS.

Stanhope Capital (Switzerland) SA is a company registered in the Swiss Trade Register under number CH-114-257-882, with its registered office at 5 Square de l’Académie, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland. Stanhope Capital (Switzerland) SA is affiliated to SO-FIT, a supervisory body (SO). SO-FIT is a Swiss non-profit association of self-regulation and supervision combating money laundering and terrorist financing duly authorised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). Please click here for the Swiss Data Protection.

Stanhope Capital LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under number OC307719. Its registered office is at 35 Portman Square, London W1H 6LR, United Kingdom. Stanhope Capital LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 400309. The website of the Financial Conduct Authority can be accessed at

Stanhope Consulting is a trading name of Stanhope Capital LLP.

Stanhope Capital SAS is a “Société par Actions Simplifiées” incorporated in France and regulated by the Autorité de Marchés Financiers (AMF). The website of the AMF can be accessed at Its registered office is at 9 avenue Marceau, 75116 Paris, France.



Website for Information only – No Offer or Solicitation

This Website is for information only. It is not an offer or a solicitation to conduct investment business.


Access to this Website is not permitted by any person in any jurisdiction (by way of nationality, residence, domicile or otherwise) where the publication or availability of this Website would be in contravention of any applicable law or regulation.

United Kingdom

To the extent that any content of this Website is aimed at residents of the United Kingdom, such content has been approved for issue in the United Kingdom by Stanhope Capital LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Stanhope Capital LLP’s advice is categorised by the Financial Conduct Authority as “restricted” because it advises on investment funds, which are only one type of “retail investment product”. Stanhope Capital LLP does not provide investment advice on other retail investment products, such as life insurance, stakeholder pensions or personal pension schemes.

If you have a complaint and remain dissatisfied with our efforts to settle your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) who deals with unresolved complaints from eligible complainants.  Please check the FOS website to determine whether you are an eligible complainant.
The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are:

Address: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567




Stanhope Capital SAS does not provide investment advice on retail investment products, such as life insurance, stakeholder pensions or personal pension schemes.

United States

This Website is not intended for residents of the United States. It is not an offer to sell any securities to or for the benefit of United States persons or the solicitation of any offer to buy securities on the part of or for the benefit of any such United States persons.

Please click on the link for a copy of our current Form CRS

Regulatory Disclosures

The revised Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II) came into force in the UK on 4 September 2020 with a view to increasing transparency between issuers and their shareholders and encouraging investors to engage more frequently in shareholder voting activities.

The new compliance obligations mean that the provision of proxy voting services is a fundamental requirement for intermediaries focused on either retail or institutional investors.
Stanhope Capital LLP invests across all asset classes mainly through funds and provide asset management to private clients and institutions.

We do not generally invest in listed equities, however, when holding equities the approach is proxy vote in line with management recommendations except in exceptional circumstances. We do not otherwise consider shareholder engagement in our investment strategy.

This statement is reviewed annually.

United Kingdom’s Stewardship Code

The Stewardship Code (the “Code”) was developed from the Walker Review on Corporate Governance in the UK and aims to enhance the quality of engagement between investors (and investment managers) and UK listed companies. Although the Code is voluntary, the Financial Conduct Authority requires Stanhope Capital LLP to include on this Website a disclosure about its commitment to the Code or, where it does not so commit, its alternative strategy.

Stanhope Capital LLP is an independently owned investment firm which provides wealth management, corporate finance and consulting services to substantial private clients, charities and endowments across the world. As stated elsewhere on this website, with regard to quoted equities, our strategy is to focus investment in funds which are managed by external investment managers or select external managers. Therefore, we rarely invest directly in quoted equities and whilst we support the general objectives behind the Code, we do not consider that it is appropriate for us to commit to the Code. However, when selecting managers and externally managed funds we are looking for managers with a robust approach to corporate governance and we consider that membership of the Stewardship code is consistent with this approach.

Order Execution

Please click here for the Stanhope Capital LLP Order Execution Policy

Please click here for the Top 5 Execution Venues by Volume 2019

Please click here for the Top 5 Execution Venues by Volume 2020

Please click here for the Stanhope Capital LLP RTS28 Disclosure

Please click here for the Stanhope FCA Non-SNI Disclosure Policy – 2023